Oral Mucositis

About Oral Mucositis

Oral mucositis is a common and debilitating side effect of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. It is distinguished by the appearance of ulcers in the oral mucosa, which cause pain, bleeding, and trouble swallowing and speaking. This impairs basic oral functions and may result in an unanticipated interruption or adjustment of treatment. As a result, oral mucositis has a poor impact on both patients’ quality of life and tumour prognostic outcomes. Several mechanisms related to oxidative stress, inflammation, and molecular and cellular signalling have been implicated in the pathophysiology of oral mucositis in the past decades. Recent research has also revealed the increasing importance of the oral-gut microbiome axis in the development of oral mucositis. Changes in the oral and gut microbiota, as well as intestinal dysfunction caused by cancer therapy, may all play a role in the development of oral mucositis.

Oral Mucositis

Common Side effects of Oral Mucositis

Oral mucositis is a common and severe side effect of chemotherapy in children, reducing quality of life and treatment adherence. As a result of cancer and its treatment, the oral microbiota undergoes significant dysbiosis, characterized by decreased richness and variety. 


  • Severe Pain requiring Analgesics or Narcotics
  • Difficulty in eating or Swallowing.
  • Need for Enteral or Parenteral nutrition
  • Extended hospital stay/ Delayed patient discharge resulting in Increased costs
  • Risk of Infection and Sepsis
  • Altered Cancer therapy

About Oraal Spray

Oraal spray is a ground-breaking medicine that provides relief and treatment for oral mucositis caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy. This Oral spray, offered in a 20-ml bottle, targets pro-inflammatory proteins, pollutants, and impurities, providing a three-pronged approach for optimal outcomes. ORAAL spray has a multi layered approach to healing the Oral Mucositis. After only two days of use, Oraal spray revealed considerable benefit in decreasing mucositis and pain. Aside from the effects on mucositis and pain, it also showed a considerable reduction in burns and infections related to oral mucositis.

These findings emphasize Oraal’s potential as a significant tool in the treatment of oral mucositis caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Its multifaceted approach not only relieves symptoms but also promotes healing, allowing patients to recover more comfortably and quickly.

Oraal spray एक अभूतपूर्व दवा है जो रेडियोथेरेपी या कीमोथेरेपी के कारण होने वाले ओरल म्यूकोसाइटिस से राहत और उपचार प्रदान करती है। 20 ml की बोतल में पेश किया जाने वाला यह ओरल स्प्रे, प्रो-इंफ्लेमेटरी प्रोटीन, प्रदूषकों और अशुद्धियों को लक्षित करता है, जो इष्टतम परिणामों के लिए तीन-आयामी दृष्टिकोण प्रदान करता है। Oraal spray को ओरल म्यूकोसाइटिस को ठीक करने में बहुस्तरीय दृष्टिकोण मिला है। केवल दो दिनों के उपयोग के बाद, Oraal स्प्रे ने म्यूकोसाइटिस और दर्द को कम करने में काफी लाभ दिखाया। म्यूकोसाइटिस और दर्द पर प्रभाव के अलावा, इसने मौखिक म्यूकोसाइटिस से संबंधित जलन और संक्रमण में भी काफी कमी देखी।


Oraal Spary
Action of oraal

Mode of Action of Oraal Spray

  • When sprayed over ulcers, ORAAL generates a stable and protective hypertonic layer over the wounded surface, attracting hypotonic liquid from the inner parts of the ulcer cavity.
  • The outward flow of liquid removes pollutants and microbes from the ulcer and decreases the concentration of local chemicals and toxic substances.
  • MMPs and Interleukin proteins are drawn to the absorbent polymeric sheet and trapped and neutralised.
  • Cleaning damaged tissue creates a suitable environment for cell growth and healing; also, the mechanical cleaning and anti-inflammatory impact lowers pain and inflammation.
Oraal Spary

Benefits of Oraal Spray

To avoid oral mucositis during cancer treatment, you should use Oraal spray as it has been formulated by experts to protect your oral health. With the help of Oraal spray, you can get relief from the pain caused by oral mucositis and also get relief from unwanted viruses. It’s also easy to use and keeps your mouth moisturized and lubricated.

Protective Barrier Effect

ORAAL forms a protective layer in the oral cavity, protecting the mucous membranes from further damaging and allowing the healing process to begin.

Osmotic and Cleaning Effect

It cleanses the mouth cavity by removing pollutants and toxins that can aggravate inflammation and hinder recovery.

Cellular Repair and Growth Effect

It supports cell regeneration and proliferation in the oral cavity which enables increased healing and shortening the length of symptoms.

How It Works

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Cellular Damage

he primary trigger for oral mucositis is the damage caused to rapidly dividing cells in the oral mucosa. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are designed to target and destroy cancer cells, but they can also affect healthy cells.

Inflammatory Response

Once the oral mucosal cells are injured, the body responds with an inflammatory reaction. This response is a natural part of the healing process and involves the release of inflammatory molecules and immune cells to the affected area.

Reduced Blood Flow

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can also impact blood flow to the oral tissues. Reduced blood flow means that the damaged mucosal tissues receive fewer nutrients and less oxygen, hindering the body's ability to repair itself.

Oraal Spary

Type and Dose of Treatment

he specific chemotherapy drugs or radiation therapy techniques used, as well as their dosage, can impact the likelihood and severity of oral mucositis.


Individual Variation

Each person's susceptibility to oral mucositis can vary. Some individuals may experience it more severely than others undergoing similar treatment.

Overall Health

A patient's overall health, including nutrition and hydration, can influence their resilience against oral mucositis.



Comprehensive Treatment for all  grades of Oral Mucositis


Unique Product and patented globally

Clean & protects  oral ulcers

Stimulates cell growth

Reduce chemical load in the lesion




Reduced Blood Flow

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can also impact blood flow to the oral tissues. Reduced blood flow means that the damaged mucosal tissues receive fewer nutrients and less oxygen, hindering the body's ability to repair itself.

Oraal Spary

Direction to use

Shake the bottle gently then remove the cap.

Spray 4-5 times to form a thin film over the oral mucosa.

Apply every 2 hours when beginning the treatment then 3-4 times per day.

For younger patients the products should be applied by an adult or at least under supervision of an adult.


For topical use (oral cavity) only.

Do not use after expiry date more than 30 days after 1st use, or if the container is damaged.

Store at room temperature, do not freeze or refrigerate.

Overall Health

A patient's overall health, including nutrition and hydration, can influence their resilience against oral mucositis.


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Brooklyn, NY 10022
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q 1. How do I use Oraal Spray 20ml?

Before using the Oraal spray 20ml bottle, read the label carefully. Use the spray as directed by your healthcare provider. Also, consult your doctor for more information.

Q 2. When should I use Oraal Spray?

You can use oraal spray at any time of day; the important thing is to make it part of your daily routine.

Q 3. What are the applications of Oraal spray 20ml?

Oraal spray is used to avoid oral mucositis during cancer treatment. It also helps to get relief from the pain caused by oral mucositis.

Q 4. Oraal spray can also help to relieve oral ulcers?

Yes, Oraal spray 20ml can help relieve oral ulcers.

Q 5. How many times should I use Oraal spray in a day?

Oraal spray can be used three to four times per day.

Q 6. म्यूकस के लक्षण क्या है? (what is the symptoms of Mucositis?)

म्यूकोसिटिस के लक्षण ज्यादातर हमारे मुंह को प्रभाव पहुंचाते है, म्यूकोसिटिस के कुछ सामान्य लक्षण इस प्रकार है :-

1. मुंह का सूखना
2. ज्यादा मात्रा में बलगम आना
3. मसूड़ों में सूजन आना या लाल होना
4. मुंह में लार गाढ़ा होना
5. मुंह में छाले होना
6. मुंह में खून आना