
Relieve Mouth Ulcers Fast With These Simple Home Tips

Mouth Ulcers

People who have had mouth ulcers understand the pain and suffering that the condition can lead to. Eating becomes almost impossible, and everything you try to consume is painful. Stress, as well as malnutrition, plays a significant part in the development of ulcers inside the mouth. Most mouth ulcers heal on their own. Others may require proper treatment. In this article, we will discuss some natural mouth ulcer home remedies.

What is a Mouth Ulcer?

Mouth ulcers are painful, tiny sores that form in the mouth or at the base of the gums. They are unpleasant, but they are usually harmless. Most symptoms resolve on their own within 1 to 2 weeks. They are common and can be treated naturally at home, but if you get a huge, highly painful, or persistent mouth ulcer, consult a doctor or dentist.

Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcer

Baking Soda 

Use an equal amount of baking soda and water. Combine the ingredients to make a thick paste. Apply this paste to the mouth ulcer and let it get dry. When the mixture has dried, rinse your mouth with water and gargle. This should be done at least three times per day.

It also works as one of the greatest mouth ulcer treatments, significantly decreasing pain. Baking soda neutralizes the acid produced by the ulcer, which eventually heals the problem.


Honey has many health benefits. Still, you may be unaware that it can help treat mouth ulcers. Apply honey on the ulcers and let it sit. Because the ulcers are inside the mouth, you may mistakenly consume the honey along with your saliva. Remember to apply honey to the ulcer sites every few hours.



We all know the antiseptic properties of salt. Pour a spoonful of salt into a glass of warm water. Now, gargle properly with this mixture of salt and water. When you’re completed, gargle with normal water to take away the salty taste from your mouth. This can help relieve some of the pain and discomfort associated with a mouth ulcer. 

Orange Juice

Orange contains a high concentration of Vitamin C, which can help prevent and treat mouth ulcers. However, if you have ulcers, it may be tough to consume a whole orange. Drinking two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice every day is an excellent way to treat mouth ulcers.

Orange Juice
orange juice


Garlic is another staple in any Indian dish. While garlic is typically used to spice curries and dals, it can also help treat mouth ulcers. Garlic’s antibacterial properties are due to the Allisin molecule, which helps in the treatment of several infections.

To use garlic, cut a clove in half and rub it on the ulcer for a minute or two. After that, thoroughly rinse your mouth to remove the raw garlic smell from your breath. You can do this twice or even three times every day.

Coconut Milk

If you have oral ulcers, gargle with coconut milk. This is one of the most effective cures for mouth ulcers. When done at least three to four times each day, you are going to experience a relaxing effect as well as reduced pain from ulcers.


Turmeric is used as an antiseptic. Turmeric is excellent in treating inflammation and pain caused by mouth ulcers, in addition to fighting infections. The product also contains antibacterial characteristics.

Take a small amount of turmeric powder and some water. Combine to produce a thick paste. Apply this paste to the ulcers every morning and evening. Let it on for a few minutes, then thoroughly rinse it off. You should start noticing the change right away.

Apple Cider 

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial characteristics that destroy the microorganisms that cause the ulcer to develop. It will also help your recovery. Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and combine it with 1/2 cup of warm water. Place this solution in your mouth and gargle with it. Repeat for a minute or two. Once this is completed, properly rinse your mouth with clear water. You can repeat this every morning and evening until the ulcer heals.


Toothpaste has antibacterial properties that can help to minimize the swelling and pain associated with mouth ulcers.

Apply toothpaste with a Q-tip. Make sure you cover the entire ulcer area with toothpaste. Let the paste sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off. You can continue applying toothpaste to the ulcer every day until the whiteness disappears. However, applying toothpaste to an ulcer can be very uncomfortable. This pain can be reduced by putting aloe vera gel in the area.

Clove Oil  For Mouth Ulcers

Clove oil comes from the flower buds. This is used in a variety of natural treatments, including toothaches and mouth ulcers. For oral ulcers, use a little piece of cotton to apply the oil directly to the ulcer. Wait for the ulcer tissue to absorb the oil.

Keep in mind to rinse your mouth with warm water before applying the clove oil. This clears the ulcer’s surface. Clove includes eugenol, which has antibacterial characteristics that help with a variety of oral illnesses. Pain and inflammation are also relieved by applying this oil.


These are some of the most effective natural home remedies for mouth ulcers. There are various types of mouth ulcers, each with a unique origin and treatment. Some mouth ulcers that bleed may be more serious than other ulcers. You can try these natural remedies and see if it has made any difference. If you don’t see any improvement, you should see a doctor immediately. You should also avoid some foods and drinks to prevent the condition from worsening. In any case, most mouth ulcers require 7 to 10 days to completely heal. After a few weeks, you should have no problems with it.

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