
Say Goodbye to Bad Breath 10 Easy Remedies 

Bad breath

Do you hesitate to talk to someone because of your bad breath? Are you looking for a home remedy to cure your bad breath? Then we welcome you to a blog, where you can learn about its causes and some home remedies that will help you deal with bad breath. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is often a sign of poor dental hygiene, dry mouth, or other oral conditions. It may also be a sign of other conditions, such as diabetes and liver and kidney diseases.

Two of the most challenging dental problems are crooked, dislocated teeth and bad breath. Both problems rob us of our confidence and often alienate us from daily interactions with others. However, the good news is that both can be resolved with the help of a dental professional. In this article, we’ll focus on one of those two problems: bad breath, also known as halitosis. We’ve covered the 10 most effective natural remedies for bad breath, as well as ways your dentist can help.

Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath

Before knowing about remedies, we think you should know the causes of bad breath first. Bad breath usually originates in the mouth, where bacteria are present. Pieces of food get stuck in your teeth when you eat. Bacteria grow on these pieces of food and release foul-smelling sulfur compounds. Poor dental hygiene is the primary cause of bad breath. If you don’t brush and floss often, the bacteria in your mouth continue to grow, and a thin film of bacteria called plaque forms on your teeth. When plaque is not cleaned away at least twice per day, it creates a foul odor and leads to another 

smelly process, tooth decay. 

All foods get stuck in your teeth, but certain foods, like onions and garlic, commonly cause bad breath. Digestion of these foods releases sulfur compounds into your bloodstream. When blood reaches your lungs, it affects your breathing. Although more than 90 percent of cases of foul breath originate in the mouth, sometimes the source of the problem comes from elsewhere in the body. This may result in acid reflux, causing partial regurgitation of bad-tasting fluid. Other possible causes include infection, diabetes complications, and kidney failure. Starting a new diet, such as a keto diet, can also cause bad breath.

Also Read- The Ultimate Guide to Oral Health

Symptoms of Bad Breath

Bad breath in itself is a symptom of various conditions mentioned above. It may be worse in the morning or after drinking coffee, smoking, or eating foods such as garlic. However, you may also notice some other symptoms such as:

  • Dry mouth
  • Persistent bitter, sour, metallic taste
  • A persistent urge to clear the throat with thick saliva
  • Mucus or dripping from the nose
  • White coating on the tongue, mainly on the back of the tongue
  • Burning sensation in the tongue

Best 10 Home Remedies for Bad Breath

It’s no surprise that 90% of bad breath originates from the mouth. Bacteria are always present in the mouth and when you eat, bits of food remain in the spaces between your teeth. This happens when bacteria start their work by growing on this food. The result is a foul-smelling sulfur compound. It is not difficult to deal with foul breath yourself, and many home remedies for bad breath are also helpful for your general health. Here are the 10 best natural remedies for bad breath:

Drink Water

The human body requires water for optimal functioning, with the general recommendation being to consume six to eight glasses of water daily. Apart from helping keep your body hydrated, water also provides relief from bad breath. 

Teeth and gums will remain healthy because the water will wash away the food particles and there will be nothing left for bacteria to eat. It also dilutes the acid in your mouth that destroys tooth enamel. The fluoride present in water also protects against acid and prevents tooth decay. The result is a healthier mouth that is less likely to cause bad breath.

Also Read- How to Cure Mouth Ulcers Fast and Naturally

Clean Your Tongue

Bacteria also lurk on your tongue, which can cause bad breath. Brushing your tongue might not seem important, but it is! Be sure to include it when you brush your teeth several times a day. Rinse your mouth thoroughly and be sure to rinse your toothbrush when you’re done.

Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables

The path to fresh breath lies through fruits and vegetables, just like your overall health. The best foods in this category to eliminate bad breath are apples, celery, and carrots because they help remove bacteria from your teeth, just like your toothbrush does. They also increase saliva in your mouth. Additionally, citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and limes are rich in vitamin C, which helps promote healthy gums. There are effective home remedies to increase saliva production and fight foul breath.

Rinse With Warm Salt Water

This is an inexpensive, natural way to create a healthy environment in your mouth. Rinsing with salt water stops the growth of bacteria and reduces plaque and inflammation in your mouth. This reduces your chances of getting sick or getting a sore throat, bad breath, cavities, or gum disease. You can make your rinse with eight ounces of warm water and ¼ to ½ teaspoon of salt. Swish the mouth around for about 30 seconds and spit it out. Repeat as many times as you want. Just remember not to swallow the mixture as the salt can be dehydrating and swallowing it is not healthy.

Swish or Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Another cost-effective method to eliminate bad breath is by using apple cider vinegar. It tastes astringent but helps prevent the growth of odor-causing bacteria and balances pH levels. You can also drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in water before meals to prevent bad breath before the meal even begins. Due to its high acidity, apple cider vinegar aids in food digestion and mitigates bad breath triggered by indigestion. To eliminate onion or garlic breath, dilute a small amount of vinegar in water, swish it around your mouth, gargle for 30 seconds, then spit it out.

Chew Cloves and Other Herbs

Open up your pantry and get out the herbs! For example, cloves help instantly freshen your breath and fight bacteria in your mouth. You can carry some with you and suck or chew them during the day. Chewing other fresh herbs that have a pleasant aroma is an easy remedy for bad breath. Fresh herbs like parsley, mint, basil, tarragon, rosemary, or cardamom can effectively mask bad breath with their pleasant aroma. This is an excellent trick to use right before a meeting or social event.

A reminder: Do not use clove oil or powdered cloves as they may cause burning. 

Brush or Rinse with Tea Tree Oil

You can also use tea tree oil to freshen your breath: either brush your teeth with it or add a few drops of warm water and gargle with it. You still need to brush with your regular toothpaste, but tea tree oil helps with bad breath.

Chew Gum

Chewing gum (especially minty gum) helps clean away bacteria and any bits of food left after eating. Not everyone carries a toothbrush with them, so the gum helps stimulate saliva production and clean your mouth until you can brush properly. Of course, it’s important to only chew sugar-free gum.

Use Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

The bottle of store-bought mouthwash in your bathroom probably contains alcohol. Alcohol dries out the mouth, which causes bad breath. Luckily, you can make your mouthwash with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, can effectively eliminate bacteria in the mouth. For an all-natural, homemade, alcohol-free mouthwash, all you need to do is:

Mix two teaspoons of baking soda in a cup of warm water. Swish it around in your mouth for at least 30 seconds before spitting it out.

Eat Yogurt

Yogurt contains healthy bacteria called Lactobacillus that help fight bad bacteria in different parts of your body like your mouth. Eat one serving (or more) of plain, non-fat yogurt daily to fight halitosis. As you can see from this list above, you have many options when it comes to natural remedies for bad breath. However, it is important to remember that your dentist is another important key to eliminating bad breath.


Bad breath can make you feel uncomfortable talking to someone and can cause you to lose self-esteem and confidence. However, you can try some home remedies like cloves, curd, betel leaves, fennel, cardamom, basil, and star anise to deal with your bad breath. You should also follow good oral hygiene practices. However, if you still feel that your breath continues to smell bad and is not improving, you should consult a doctor.

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