
First Signs of Wisdom Teeth Coming In That You Need to Know

oral Mucositis Symptoms

Wisdom teeth, which are also popularly known as the third molars, occur as a part of human teeth development. These teeth, which appear between the ages of 17 and 25, represent an important aspect of the developmental process in humans. However, because of changes in development and modern diets that have left little room for their appropriate growth, their presence can be followed by a number of difficulties.

To maintain the best possible oral health, it is important that you understand the nature of wisdom teeth, how they occur, and how to cure this problem. To understand wisdom teeth and how to deal with the problems related to them, let’s understand the different concepts related to wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth problems are common in people in their early 20s and even later in life. The average person has four wisdom teeth, but some may have more than that.

Even though it usually doesn’t hurt, there are times when it can lead to a variety of problems including severe oral discomfort and pain. If left untreated, they can lead to serious issues. In this situation, you should see a dentist and have it extracted as quickly as possible.

What is a Wisdom Tooth?

Wisdom Teeth Coming In

The third set of molars, known as wisdom teeth, generally develops between the ages of 17 and 25. Located in the back corners of the upper and lower jaws, these teeth are the last ones to appear in the mouth. They represent an important aspect of the developmental process in humans.

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How does it occur?

Wisdom teeth grow from behind the gum line and are a normal part of maturing. However, many people do not have enough space in their mouths for these additional teeth to grow properly because of modern diets and continuous changes in jaw size.

Problems caused by Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth, sometimes also known as third molars, slowly create a number of problems because of their unexpected development and the small size of the mouth. They can cause discomfort, infection, and other severe problems, because of the formation of wisdom teeth close to our teeth. They may also result in the crowding, moving, and wrong alignment of neighboring teeth, which can make it harder to clean in between teeth, raising the risk of gum disease and decay. It can also cause oral problems such as mouth ulcers. In addition, headaches, and jaw pain can be felt by the pressure exerted by wisdom teeth. It is generally advised to get an extraction to avoid or treat these issues. Regular dental check-ups can help in early identification and can decrease the risk of severity. 

Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Coming In ( Signs of wisdom teeth coming In )

Wisdom teeth symptoms include:

  • Wisdom teeth cause severe pain and discomfort. This is because of the reason that they do not get sufficient space in the mouth to grow properly.
  • Around the wisdom teeth, swellings can also occur. These swellings can further cause infections in the mouth.
  • You may face difficulty in opening your mouth properly. This can be due to pain and swelling in the mouth.
  • Bad breath and a greater chance of infection can also occur because of the food and bacteria getting stuck around the wisdom teeth coming in.
  • Redness can be seen along with swelling of gums, which can indicate the presence of wisdom teeth.

How to cure Wisdom Tooth?

There are a number of methods you can use to cure wisdom tooth pain and discomfort. Some of them are:

  1. Few pain relievers in the market can help reduce pain and discomfort. One of them is Ibuprofen, which can help reduce pain and discomfort. 
  1. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water. This can help in reducing swelling.  And also in keeping the infected area in the mouth clean.
  1. If the infection is severe, get it checked with a doctor. The dentist may prescribe some medications to clear it up and provide relief from the pain.
  1. In some cases, the wisdom teeth cause severe problems. In this case, surgical extractions need to be performed by a surgeon. 
  1. Peppermints can also be used to lessen the pain. As peppermints are known to have natural cooling components, they can be used in this case.
  1. You can also apply ice cubes to reduce swelling caused by the wisdom teeth.

Regular dental check-ups can help in maintaining good oral health. It will also help in detecting the development of wisdom teeth or any other possible issues. Maintaining good oral hygiene is important. Maintaining it requires proper brushing of teeth and flossing regularly, which can also help prevent problems with wisdom teeth.


Even though wisdom teeth grow naturally as a part of the human development process, problems may arise if there is not enough space for them to do so. Maintaining good proper dental health and preventing problems can be done by being aware of the symptoms and getting treatment as soon as possible.

Proper dental care needs to involve being able to identify early signs that wisdom teeth are coming in. People who are aware of the signs, which include gum sensitivity, swelling, and mild discomfort, can seek immediate dental advice to deal with any possible outcomes. Immediate actions, such as good dental hygiene habits, pain management strategies, and, if needed, contact with an oral surgeon or dentist, are made possible by early identification of wisdom teeth. In addition, scheduling routine dental check-ups helps medical experts track the formation of wisdom teeth and take immediate action if problems develop. Considering all these things, being aware of the early signs of wisdom teeth coming in allows people to easily tackle this problem and guarantees the long-term maintenance of oral health and well-being. 


Before using any home remedy in the process of wisdom teeth coming in, make sure to have the consent of your dentist first. All the above-provided information is only for awareness. It is not required or necessary to carry out these actions. If a medicine isn’t prescribed by your doctor, don’t take it. Take and apply the medications only to the infected area as directed and as recommended by your dentist.

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